Saturday, January 30, 2010

Why I Disappear From the Internet on the Weekends

Oh, weekends! Now that I'm back working behind the bar, my weekends are a mixture of slinging drinks, attempting to sleep (where sleep is littered with dreams of bartending), and dealing with drunks.  It's not the most ideal situation, but at least my bills are being paid and I'm only working two nights a week. Sometimes three.

However, I need to make better use of my days off, instead of just catching up on sleep and being motivated enough to keep dreaming grandiose plans of international travel, but not motivated enough to start implementing plans that allow for such.


It's ironic that every time I find myself unemployed I return to the service industry, despite swearing it off.  At least now I am bartending, which I prefer over waitressing, but it still has it's ups-and-downs.  When I was working in California, there wasn't much drama, but boy-oh-boy is there drama where I'm at now!! I think a lot of it has to do with the Midwest lifestyle--people tend to get way too involved in other people's life- I think it's for lack of having a life themselves, you know?

Another new pet peeve is that the State of Ohio has allowed for lottery tickets to be sold at bars, and a stupid little game called Keno. It might be the most annoying thing, EVER! Don't even get me started on regulars who think they are entitled-- my favorite quote is, Being a regular doesn't make you special, it makes you an alcoholic!!!  Seriously! Don't get me wrong, there are regulars that I absolutely adore and treat (read:tip) me very nicely, then there are others that I would just prefer not come in at all- they are demanding, impatient, and flat-out rude!

I am a huge disciple of the Golden Rule (yay, kindergarten), and I need to work a little more on my poker face when I'm annoyed/angry/upset.  Most people think I'm this "sweet, little girl," and while it's annoying to wear that label, it's mostly true.  But then there is this little spark plug in me, that once you hit that switch, watch out- my inner bitch comes out! If you are rude, offensive or belligerent drunk, I lose ALL respect and will treat you in the same manner.  Which, isn't always the best attitude to have when your income is based entirely on tips-- but in my opinion, they can keep it- I will not kiss ass to someone for the sake of a tip.

Ok, rant over... to work I go!!

Anyone bartend? As a second job or full-time? What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. ok but the REAL question is: do you meet any cute guys?

    Blog Boy used to bartend... and I have always wanted to bartend, I thought it would be such a kick ass job.
