Thursday, January 7, 2010

Billy Corgan Said Today is the Greatest

So, about those new year's resolutions?? The 170+ unread blog posts in my Google Reader this morning were evidence enough that I'm not doing a great job.  The $100+ I spent on boxed sets and movies yesterday at Target is proof that my budget has yet to be finalized. And I don't think the mushroom pate pizza with fontina cheese, prosciutto, and truffle oil combined with three martinis I indulged in on Tuesday night are classified in the eating healthy category. 

But you know what? Today, I don't care. 


Today, I danced in my underwear to songs from the sixties.  Today, I sang my heart out until my lungs burned.  Today, I saw beauty in the snow storm, not entrapment.  Today, I realized that I was holding onto my first love for all the wrong reasons, and it's time to let go.  Today, I realized that California is exactly where I want and need to be.  Today, I got all the closure I needed. 

Today, I put the past to rest. 

Today, I was inspired. To create another tomorrow. And to keep creating, one day at a time, until eventually the 'future' I imagine becomes my reality.  Twenty-ten, I'm in love with you already.

*bonus points to those who get the reference in my title*


  1. love this post. google reader can be overwhelming huh? such an addiction!

  2. OH I love this post! :) I'm inspired now. Because today is another day for me, and I am putting the past to rest! :D
    Google Reader can be overwhelming, that's for sure. I once had 500+ blogs to catch up on...but I was on vacation. ;) Have a great day.

  3. I love this! Its exactly what I needed to hear. Along with your previous wise comment on my post...
    It is so true that actions speak louder than words- thanks for reminding me- and maybe now it is time to put the past to rest!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
