Thursday, May 27, 2010

An Education

An Education
Over the weekend I watched a charming little film called "An Education," which I immediately fell in love with. It was nominated for a few Oscars, and rightfully so as it was a great screenplay with a talented cast- I especially think Carey Mulligan is going to have a successful career.

Watching films like this one makes me fall more in love with the art of screenplay and cinematography. It's rare that films these days strike an emotional chord with the audience- theater is so littered with blockbusters and needless sequels (I'm talking to you SATC2 and Shrek 4), so when I come across a movie that I can actually relate to, I know I've found one that will have critical acclaim and little box office success.

Have you watched any good movies lately?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Thinking Outside the Box

One of my many new found passions is interior design. The way I see it, design goes beyond furniture placement and color schemes, it's more of a reflection of who we are. A boxed, room by room mirror of our individual personalities.

Sharing an apartment comes with its difficulties for many reasons, and I'm learning that I've grown past the need for roommates- but presently, my life dictates having two of them, whose personalities polarize that of my own. While I've conceded in the common areas, my bedroom is entirely my own canvas, and I can't wait to make it an amazing haven in a sometimes tense living situation.

I recently stumbled upon a show on Bravo called Nine By Design, which showcases the most adorable and eclectic NYC family. Robert and Cortney Novogratz are interior designers with seven children, who flip houses- not just any houses, but multi-million dollar homes that are absolutely phenomenal. I aspire to have their charming, confident personalities, their eyes for design and taste in truly charming pieces.

Lucky for me, they have a book that I have eagerly added to my library queue list that I will use as a tool to transform my currently blah bedroom to something awesome. Stay tuned for before and after photos, and a sneak peek into my humble abode!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Busy Bee


I just realized how busy my social calendar is this week.
Dinner tonight with a new friend, open house event with a Laker's game,
beach volleyball with coworkers, Dodger's game laden with opportunities.

My weekends may be lazy, but my weeks are pretty amazing.
I'm really grateful for this California life.
For this second chance at happiness.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lazy Sunday

photo credit

I may or may not have gotten out of my pajamas all day.
Watched both Twilight movies.
Ate frozen pizza for lunch and dinner.
Took a nap. Maybe even two of them.
And enjoyed every lazy minute of it.

There is a lot changing in my day to day life.
A lot of letting go and moving on.
Of growing into this person I've always been, but too afraid to be.
Mostly happiness, but a lot of intermittent anxiety.
Growing up is challenging, but fun.

And every once in awhile, like today, it's even more fun to let everything recharge, and remember what it's like to be a kid again.

How do you like to spend your Sundays?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I Wanna Be a Billionaire!

The other day, in a weary-eyed early morning meeting at work, a co-worker of mine was raving about a new song she heard on the radio...Billionaire by Travie McCoy. After several attempts of humming/singing us the lyrics we all laughed it off and carried on with business.

Yesterday, she sent me a link to the video, and while it's not typically the type of music I listen to, I love it! I think I've watched the video a couple dozen times and fall in love with it more every time.

The beach! The tattoos! The skateboarders! The beanie! The acoustic guitar!! Ahhh, hot guys!! Seriously, though, if someone was to ask me what my "type" was I'd point them straight to this video. I've come a long way from the meatheads and wanna-be C-levels. It's an amazing feeling to finally own who I am, and not try to fit in with what the crowd expects me to be.

After watching this, I want to move to Venice immediately. On a side note, I'm pretty sure I saw when they filmed the beach night scene-- in Dockweiler, which is along Vista del Mar, which was my old route to and from work.

Watch the video here and enjoy! (Couldn't embed)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

An Introduction

"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within."

There's no better way to describe the last four years of my life--other than happiness, haphazardly. I've learned that happiness comes in many forms, it may ebb and flow, but it's always lurking often in the smallest things. Often, I've had to work on finding and keeping happiness, to let go of toxic relationships and unrealistic expectations.

I've learned that happiness is best found in the joie de vivre- and even though I'll never be a Julia Child or an Annie Leibovitz, I'm perfectly happy in the imperfections and character of my personal creative endeavors. Happiness, Hapzardly will serve as a virtual forum where I can share those small things, my joie de vivre, that continue to deliver little morsels of happiness in my daily life.