Thursday, July 30, 2009

(500) Days of Summer

One (of the many things) I love about living in Los Angeles, is that I do not have to wait to see 'limited release' movies. I can't tell you how many times I was excited for a movie to come out while living in Cincinnati, only to have to wait many more weeks for local theaters to pick it up, or worse yet, until it was released onto DVD.
That being said, I was eagerly anticipating the theatrical release of 500 Days of Summer featuring Joseph Gordon Levitt and Zooey Deschanel, both of whom I adore. Last week I convinced my mom that she, too, would love it- and that it would be worth the drive in LA traffic to go see it (the closest it was showing to me was The Grove). And so we did.

And I loved it. Just as I knew I would.

(Photo: Chuck Zlotnick/Courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox)

Viewers beware. It is not your typical romantic-comedy Hollywood type film. Which is, precisely, why I loved it so much. There are so many terrible 'chic flicks', all predicated on the notion that we are guaranteed our happily ever after. While some may argue that the entertainment industry is a form of escapism from the realities of not living our 'happily ever afters,' too often than not we still believe that they will happen. And movies such as 500 Days are quickly labeled 'indie,' given recognition at film festivals like Sundance, and not widely accepted into mainstream culture.
Levitt and Deschanel both gave lovely performances in the movie, both characters are relatable and lovable, as is the dynamic of their relationship. Apparently, there was concern over Levitt being "too intense" of an individual to play a romantic lead- but I think he did a wonderful job displaying an array of emotions (loved the dance scene)!
New York magazine wrote a great piece on the film and Joseph Gordon Levitt in its summer issue (June 29-July 6). [online version can be found here]. The article reiterates my argument that rom-coms are loyal to form, not to experience, and that this film captures the real essence of a twenty-something romance; as a phase in your life, when love dodges expectations. And haven't we all experienced that 'one great relationship,' that turned out to be nothing of the sort? Perhaps I'm just jaded.
I definitely give the movie two thumbs up, and will be sure to catch it again when it is released on DVD. Also, check out the soundtrack, it was full of great tunes!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Birthday Bliss

Twenty-five is off to a great start. [Day one delivered big, and starting next week I'm back in the land of cubicles and red exclamation marked e-mails: but more on that later].

If you asked me to list all the things I love in the world, wine, pasta, chocolate, and hot guys would definitely be at the top. So, combine them all in one night--on my birthday, no less--then I am one happy camper.

Last night officially broke the streak of several years of bad birthday luck. I was absolutely blown away by the amount of messages, texts, and phone calls I received from friends and family wishing me a happy birthday. I have never felt so loved and missed, and I never would have thought I would be celebrating my twenty-fifth birthday so far away from all the people that have been there for the first twenty-four. That being said, I can't imagine celebrating the next twenty-five anywhere else. Since it was my first birthday in California, I thought it only fitting to spend it in Hollywood. When in Rome, right? The night began with dinner at Bella Cucina, an Italian eatery owned by the Dolce Group. I wasn't too impressed with the lasagna dish I ordered, they were out of pinot noir, and the service was terrible- borderline embarrassing. Needless to say, I do not recommend it, nor will I be returning. However, the evening was about the company of friends, and that made it worthwhile.

Following dinner, we stopped by Life (which, by the way, has an awesome lounge-y vibe) for some additional birthday cocktails. It also just so happened where a few of the cast (Jesse, Reid, and Juan) and crew members from The Bachelorette happened to have their finale viewing party. It was a cave rave that puts any sausage fest to shame. I have never seen so many women throw themselves at men- at reality show cast-offs at that. Between the photo ops that involved straddling, the woman with her shirt inside out (if you want to call what she was wearing a shirt), and the women that flipped over the couch, it was definitely an entertaining evening. After seven months of residency in Los Angeles, my only celebrity sightings have been stars from ABC (I saw Chris Harrison, the host, last week at the Hollywood and Highland Center). I think I should get out more often.

Despite being my birthday, I did not ask for any photographs with the rejected Bachelors. I hate being 'that girl'--I much prefer my silent freakouts. I may be calm and collected on the outside, but the little voice in my head is screaming 'ohmygod' over and over. There is photographic evidence, however, as one of the men can be seen in the background of a photo taken of my roommate and the elephant-trunk-esque pillow (we keep it classy).

All in all, a fantastic birthday, spent making great memories with great friends.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Halfway Up The Hill

In twenty-five years, I've ...
Moved cross country once
Received two college diplomas
Loved and spoiled three dogs
Learned I should limit myself to four alcoholic drinks (but don't)
Been called an Aunt five times
Maxed out six credit cards (only three remain)
Unashamedly read all seven Harry Potter books
Became obsessed with eight new bands since moving to LA
Played all nine positions during my softball career
Spent ten summers boating, swimming, and fishing in Lake Cumberland
Spent eleven weeks as a bartender
Fell in love with baseball at the tender age of twelve
Gone on thirteen job interviews
Road tripped through fourteen states
Watched Clueless (at least) fifteen times
At sixteen I failed my first driving test and cried
Lost a close friend and mentor at seventeen
Owned eighteen pairs of Old Navy flip flops
Made nineteen bad decisions, probably more
Been dared to eat fried alligator for twenty bucks
Waited twenty-one years before visiting New York City
Experienced living with my first roommate at twenty-two
Spent the summer of twenty-three falling in love
Learned to make the best of every twenty-four hour day I'm given...
Today, I officially turn twenty-five!

[Image source found here]

I can't believe that it's already been twenty-five years, but I am so grateful for all my experiences, good and bad, throughout the years. I can only hope that I continue to learn and grow during the next twenty-five years as I have during these. The last eight months have been spent adjusting to my new life in Los Angeles, and now it's time to make the most of my newfound happiness during the next twelve!

Happy Birthday to me!

[Post inspired by Free and Flawed]