Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Worst 'Best Of' Participation Award Goes To...

So much is going on that I'm terrible at keeping up with my poor little blog. I stripped it over a month ago when I started on the re-design. As you can tell by the boring white-ness, I didn't get very far.

Then I began 20sb "Best of 2009" Challenge, where I write 31 posts in 31 days. And I can't even keep up with that two days in a row. Blog fail!

Yesterday's "best of" was: Restaurant moment. Share the best restaurant experience you had this year. Who was there? What made it amazing? What taste stands out in your mind?

It's a safe assumption that most everything is going to be LA-centric. I already really miss California, and am left wondering if I made the right decision. I'm sure time will tell. So, my favorite restaurant moment was eating at The Bazaar at the SLS Hotel in Beverly Hills. I originally wrote about it here.

Today's "best of" is: Article. What’s an article that you read that blew you away? That you shared with all your friends. That you Delicious’d and reference throughout the year.

What's really surprising is that I more or less stalk CNN, LATimes, and the Cincinnati Enquirer websites all day reading countless articles ranging from local to world news, with a bunch of other random articles thrown in-- take, for example, an article I recently read about athlete's wives in light of the recent Tiger Woods' scandal. Yet despite my apparent news-obsessive behavior, nothing has really resonated with me this year. Perhaps its my Twitter-induced ADD, after all I see the majority of my news there first, in 140 characters or less.

Yadda, yadda, yadda.

I'm going to get better at this blogging business-- this is my third attempt, third time's a charm?

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