Sunday, August 30, 2009

Missing the Midwest

Something weird is going on.

It may be because I've spent the last three afternoons watching the Reds play the Dodgers on television. It may be because one roommate is on holiday in Greece, and the other moved back to her hometown, leaving me with an empty nest. It may be because I spent a week at home gaining closure and clarity with certain aspects of the life I left behind.

But I'm really homesick today.

Fall on Western Campus by ellievanhoutte.

Summer (un)officially ends next weekend with the Labor Day Holiday. With that, comes the arrival of fall- my favorite time of year. Fall always marks a season of change and rejuvenation, and as I reflect on the last year, I feel that the changes I began last fall have finally come full circle. Yet, at the same time, I am growing nostalgic for the life I left behind, or rather the image of the life I wanted but could never find.

I don't know what the future holds for me in California, which is unnerving at times. Day-to-day I seem to be making my way just fine, because I am happy. But then there are the days like the ones I've had this weekend, where I miss the times I could spend any summer afternoon on the couch watching my favorite baseball team, or meander up the street to my local bar and know that I would be surrounded by friends and people who knew me best.

I already miss the changing of the seasons, when daylight fades a little earlier, and mornings are crisp and damp with dew. When Fridays are spent at high school football fields, and Sundays spent at Longworth Hall in the sea of orange and black.

Sometimes, I miss the ease of life in the midwest.

So this fall, as I take a look at where I am, how far I've come, and where I want to be, I have a lot to evaluate, and even more to change. And hopefully, in the meantime, Los Angeles gives me a little fall weather to comfort me.

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