Friday, March 5, 2010

Have a Lovely weekend!

I remember this time last year, living in California, and seeing all my friends and family update their Facebook pages about the glory of sunshine and its return to the Midwest.  I remember snickering and thanking my lucky stars that I was graced daily with the sunny Southern California skies.  Never did I imagine that I would be among those worshiping the intermittent peaks of natural light this spring.

Life is funny like that sometimes, and here I am, after two days of sunshine writing a blog post about it and how I am as happy as a clam.  Exactly what is it about sunshine that makes everyone so elated? Sometimes I wish there was a way to bottle it up for anyone to enjoy, anywhere, anytime.

Sun or no sun, I've been doing a lot of thinking and exploring lately about what makes me happy.  Here are a few things that have brought joy to my life this week:


My four-year-old nephew finally breaking out of his shell around me.  All it took was a conversation about Mario Brothers and a game of "spin around in circles."


A freshly made bad every morning. Ok, ok, every afternoon. It may seem silly, but it's one small accomplishment to get each day off to a great start.  The little control freak that I am, it matters to have this one little chore completed daily, when so much else in my life is in disarray.


There's nothing that can bring a smile to my face quicker than the sound the coffee pot makes right before it's finished brewing.  It's almost my second alarm for the day, when I know that energy is just sips away. 

This week I got lost in a book like I haven't done in years. I found myself so intrigued with the characters that when I looked up, I realized I had spent the whole afternoon reading, only to spend the rest of the evening, and into the wee hours of the morning, with my nose still in the book.


Oh, I don't know... maybe the fact that I am going to California this weekend!!! Eeek! In the middle of writing this post I got a little good news, and so off I go on what I hope to be my little adventure in moving home to the west coast! 

What made you happy this week?

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