Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sayonora Summer

I awoke this morning to a layer of fog, and a chill in the air- enough so that the first thing I did this evening was slip into a comfy pair of sweatpants and house slippers before settling into my nightly marathon of Dexter (hello, amazing show!)

Summer is fleeting. Even if it only visited Los Angeles for intermittent days at a time. I can't say that I'm sad to see it go. I've been awaiting Labor Day weekend for a few weeks now- not just for the extra day home from work, but so I could say goodbye to the incessant social activities that leave me with a headache and a smaller bank account the following morning.

To recap, this summer I-Watched nearly every game of the FIFA World Cup
Picnicked all over Los Angeles, including The GettySaw Iglu & Hartly twice, and fell in love with a rock star
Dragged my roommate to her first Dodgers gameFound an amazing new group of friendsTailgated a soccer game, and got to see Rinaldo in action;and celebrated by 26th birthday

It's been exhausting and at times overwhelming, but after the roller coaster of the past year, it felt amazing to just let go of the stress and have some fun- to make new friends and a lifetimes of memories.

September is already shaping up to be a great month- with a concert at the Hollywood Bowl, a day trip to San Diego, and both a book club and writing workshop on the calendar. I can't wait to get back to a little bit of normalcy around here.


  1. It sounds/looks like your summer has been a blast! I'm jealous of your new group of friends, honestly that is the worst part about living in Los Angeles, making friends has been a nightmare.. I mean we've made friends with a few different groups of people but finding people you truly connect with later in life is difficult.

    Also, How cool you got to see Rinaldo in action. I hope you have a lovely long weekend!

  2. Fun summer!!! Dexter is the best show ever, I just watched Season 4 all the way through in less than 36 hours...because it was my brother's dvd and I had to go home!! Enjoy your fall :-)
