Monday, February 15, 2010


This past fall, when I was really starting to feel homesick, a lot of those feelings were a direct result of not experiencing the seasonal changes that I have grown up knowing.  October, to me, meant fall foilage, crisp mornings where you could see your breath, and a gradual chill that encouraged fashionable changes to include suede boots and tweed jackets. But the October I was experiencing in Southern California was a continuation of summer months, with the occasional chilly evening.

We all know how this story ends, and here I sit in Ohio, where in fifteen days we have had 21 inches of snow, and there is more on its way.  Luckily I am unemployed (except for my two bartending shifts each weekend), so I don't have to stress out about driving conditions during rush hour, thank goodness.  And, fortunately, living in my parents basement means that my cupboards are always stocked, so I never need to stress about being stranded without food.


However, this cabin fever is getting the best of me.  There are only so many hours in a day that I can spend on-line.  After I catch up on my reader, I'm grasping at straws for entertainment. I've seriously considered canceling my Facebook account because it actually annoys me- yet at the same time I'm addicted, I have tried to occupy my time elsewhere, and after an hour I find myself signing right back on, which is frustrating.

Last week I went to the library and checked out four books- I love reading- yet none of the books have been picked up.  I could capitalize on this time and apply for countless jobs, but I get discouraged too easily.  I have already watched the movies I own, and I can't purchase any more on-demand movies or else my parents' cable bill will be out-of-this-world.

How do I prioritize my time when I have all the time in the world? Does that even make sense?

In other words, I'm really ready for summer!


  1. You should check out it's like twitter/blogging but better. It's great for killing time in a more productive manner than Facebook. :)

  2. I deleted my old Facebook profile--the one with all my friends, and fake friends, and all the photos of all my drunken moments of debauchery over the course of a year. I am much happier now (without that Facebook profile) than the fake happiness I tried to portray in those photos...
