Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Google is Taking Over the World

Despite the Super Bowl making history by being the most watched television show, ever, I did not tune in.

You may be asking, aren't her degrees in sport marketing? Why, yes, they are. You may also be asking, doesn't she want to make a career change into advertising?  Why, yes, I do.

So why didn't she watch the Super (Brand) Bowl?

The Super Bowl was undoubtedly filled with the hype over the following topics: the Saints and the city of New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina, how Payton Manning is an amazing quarterback and such a nice guy, the outfits and pre-game day activities of Kim Kardashian and Kendra whateverherlastnameis, what catchy 30-second spot will Bud Light come up with this year, and how the half-time show will never be the same after Nipplegate.

Wah. Wah. Wah. I was not interested, so instead I watched Titanic on TBS. *swoon, Jack Dawson* But the real point of this blog post, is that I didn't need to watch the Super Bowl with the advent of social media.  I kept one eye on the television, and the other on my Twitter feed.  So, when it started going haywire over a Google commercial, I jumped on over to YouTube and searched said commercial. And voila!!  The best part was that I had already seen this commercial, I can't remember where, but my best guess is some advertising website on, where else, the internet.

Yes, isn't that darling? It just makes you want to fall in love and move to Paris, huh? Kudos, Google.

But, it got me thinking about what I "Google," which is ironic because I had tweeted on Feb. 2: "Sometimes the things I google are absolutely absurd. Necessary, but absurd nonetheless."  Recent searches include, but are not limited to:
  • "Having no sense of smell," which is scientifically referred to as anosmia. And, yes, I am a sufferer. 
  • "Faulty fuel pump symptoms," because apparently that is what  believe to be wrong with my car. 
  • "Inner part of upper ear," which I believe is called the helix (I can't remember), but I had a very painful zit there for the better half of a week. It deserved some googling. 
Have you ever pulled a Rebecca Bloomfield?  What has been your strangest Google search?

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