As I do with every blog I've started, I've reached the point where it's no longer a point of interest. Sure, I'll be tooting along in my day to day life and think of something that I should blog about, or I'll see something on the interwebs that I deem worthy of sharing. Of course, I continue to log into my Reader daily and keep up with all these wonderful other bloggers.
But there's something missing in it for me, at least at the moment. I've always been the person who wants my writing to strike a chord with the readers, I want my topics to come organically and fly from my fingertips with sincerity. Right now it all seems contrived, and to be honest, I fear a certain level of vulnerability that comes across in my writing.
I love writing. It helps me truncate my thoughts and relate to others. But I've lost the most important factor- the intrinsic motivation to keep going. I need to get back to the point where I write for an audience of one- me. Where the concern is not on whether my topics are interesting, or if anyone is reading at all. Presently, I feel that this is only serving as a forum for my narcissism (look at all the wonderful things I've done) or as an emotional dump of all the troubles in life- neither of which I believe are interesting to the outside world.
So- for the time being I'm taking a break. I want to regroup on what's important to me in my writing style. I don't wish to regurgitate info that can be found on countless other blogs, nor do I want to waste anyone's time or space in their Reader on 'woe is me' posts. Don't get me wrong- life is swimmingly well at the moment, even with the hand of cards I've been dealt. I just don't see the value in what this blog has become.
Continue to follow me on Twitter, and as the trend with me and blogging goes, I'll either resume here eventually, or start a new one.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Budget Friendly Meal for One
One of the biggest challenges of grocery shopping on a budget is the misconception that fresh produce, meat, etc is too expensive. However, I have found that keeping a keen eye on your weekly ad can do wonders for your wallet and dinner plate. Coupled with my obsession with coupons, I can easily buy 2 weeks worth of groceries for under $50.
Yet another challenge I face when it comes to healthy eating, is that I have a penchant for laziness. While I love to cook and bake and spend time in the kitchen, for the most part I want immediate gratification. After a long eight hour day in the office, I don't want to wait for my dinner. These are the nights I opt for frozen dinners (high in sodium) or eating out with friends (not budget friendly).
Luckily, I have found a recipe which has become one of my go-to meals because it's quick, easy, and relatively affordable-- think under $10 (given that you have most of the ingredients already) and I usually make enough to have leftovers the following day.
What is it you ask?
Yet another challenge I face when it comes to healthy eating, is that I have a penchant for laziness. While I love to cook and bake and spend time in the kitchen, for the most part I want immediate gratification. After a long eight hour day in the office, I don't want to wait for my dinner. These are the nights I opt for frozen dinners (high in sodium) or eating out with friends (not budget friendly).
Luckily, I have found a recipe which has become one of my go-to meals because it's quick, easy, and relatively affordable-- think under $10 (given that you have most of the ingredients already) and I usually make enough to have leftovers the following day.
What is it you ask?
Sauteed Mediterranean Tilapia with Smashed Garlic Red Potatoes

[Recipe and photo source here]

The end product- my food photography/plating
skills are to be desired
[Recipe and photo source here]
The end product- my food photography/plating
skills are to be desired
I usually modify recipes to my own liking, and so I add shallots and black olives into the mix- putting them in at the same time as the tomatoes and tilapia filets.
For the smashed potatoes, I use one clove garlic and about one pound of red potatoes (usually 4 big ones)- I slice the garlic and cube the potatoes and bring to a boil for twenty minutes. Drain and add a 1-2 tablespoons of butter and 1/4 cup of skim milk, and salt and pepper to taste. The fun part is to use the masher and mash, mash, mash away. Quick and easy.
Often times my grocery store throws 3-lb bags of russet potatoes on sale for less than a dollar (seriously!)- I've often substituted smashed potatoes for Parmesan crusted potatoes- and it's just as simple! For this, just slice/cube 1-2 potatoes (skins on), mince 1-2 cloves of garlic, add 1 tsp. of finely chopped fresh rosemary. Toss potatoes, garlic, and rosemary in olive oil so it's lightly coated (subbing vegetable oil will make the skin crispier). Put in baking dish and top with fresh parmesan- bake at 450 degrees for 35-40 minutes.
Voila! A quick, easy, and budget friendly meal for one. Trust me, if I can afford it and successfully make it, anyone can.
Budget break down
Tilapia- 2 fresh filets- $2
Garlic clove - $0.50
Tomatoes- $3.99
Canned black Olives - $1.29
Arugula- $3.99
Lemon- $0.50
(capers, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes always on hand)
Potatoes - $1.00
(garlic, milk, and butter always on hand)
Total: $12.27
*note that you will have leftover arugula (good for salads) and this makes enough for two people (or enough for one leftover meal)
For the smashed potatoes, I use one clove garlic and about one pound of red potatoes (usually 4 big ones)- I slice the garlic and cube the potatoes and bring to a boil for twenty minutes. Drain and add a 1-2 tablespoons of butter and 1/4 cup of skim milk, and salt and pepper to taste. The fun part is to use the masher and mash, mash, mash away. Quick and easy.
Often times my grocery store throws 3-lb bags of russet potatoes on sale for less than a dollar (seriously!)- I've often substituted smashed potatoes for Parmesan crusted potatoes- and it's just as simple! For this, just slice/cube 1-2 potatoes (skins on), mince 1-2 cloves of garlic, add 1 tsp. of finely chopped fresh rosemary. Toss potatoes, garlic, and rosemary in olive oil so it's lightly coated (subbing vegetable oil will make the skin crispier). Put in baking dish and top with fresh parmesan- bake at 450 degrees for 35-40 minutes.
Voila! A quick, easy, and budget friendly meal for one. Trust me, if I can afford it and successfully make it, anyone can.
Budget break down
Tilapia- 2 fresh filets- $2
Garlic clove - $0.50
Tomatoes- $3.99
Canned black Olives - $1.29
Arugula- $3.99
Lemon- $0.50
(capers, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes always on hand)
Potatoes - $1.00
(garlic, milk, and butter always on hand)
Total: $12.27
*note that you will have leftover arugula (good for salads) and this makes enough for two people (or enough for one leftover meal)
The Kids Are All Right
While I occasionally fall victim to blockbusters and romantic comedies (I'm looking at you, Morning Glory) my heart will always belong to art house indie films. A double nod of appreciation if it's subtitled in English. It's not so much that I would call myself a film buff, it's just that indie films don't approach life with a rose-colored lens. They're honest, and real, and usually have a great score.
This weekend The Kids Are All Right finally reached my Fios on Demand box, and I eagerly settled in for a Friday night movie. Mark Ruffalo has been one of my favorite actors for quite some time, and I think he was brilliant in this movie. The film truly depicts a modern family- but without the comedic flair and Emmy award. Plus- it opens and ends with two of my favorite artists, Vampire Weekend and MGMT- and the set design was to die for.
This weekend The Kids Are All Right finally reached my Fios on Demand box, and I eagerly settled in for a Friday night movie. Mark Ruffalo has been one of my favorite actors for quite some time, and I think he was brilliant in this movie. The film truly depicts a modern family- but without the comedic flair and Emmy award. Plus- it opens and ends with two of my favorite artists, Vampire Weekend and MGMT- and the set design was to die for.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
As females, we are well aware that October serves as Breast Cancer Awareness month. We are walkers in the The Susan G. Komen Foundation 5Ks, we are viewers of television shows that incorporate the awareness initiative into their programming, we are friends, daughters, sisters, relatives of someone who is currently fighting, has fought and won, or unfortunately have fallen victim to this awful disease.
But our battle with the Big C is not gender specific- and often times the male counterpart is left unnoticed. But since 2003, over $100 million has been raised in Prostate Cancer Awareness by the Movember movement. I first came to hear about Movember last year when a male friend showed up to a party with an unusual growth on his upper lip. I kid you not, he looked as if he belonged on a 1970s porn set. After a few jabs, and all kidding aside, he explained why he wasn't shaving for the entire month of November, and how this movement is growing in popularity and generating a multitude of awareness and money for the disease. Learn more about how Movember came to be here.
This year, TOMS shoes is doing its part in the Movember movement by offering a limited edition of its Classic shoes. If you are not aware of TOMS shoes, it's a wonderful start-up company based in Santa Monica, that offers a one-for-one program- for each pair of shoes purchased one pair is donated to a child in need in underdeveloped countries. Unfortunately, the limited edition ladies sizes have sold out (go ladies!) but the shoes are unisex and male sizes are still available. If life didn't find me unemployed right now, I'd definitely be snatching up a pair of these. And who doesn't love some mustache paraphernalia? More information can be found on the TOMS website.
But our battle with the Big C is not gender specific- and often times the male counterpart is left unnoticed. But since 2003, over $100 million has been raised in Prostate Cancer Awareness by the Movember movement. I first came to hear about Movember last year when a male friend showed up to a party with an unusual growth on his upper lip. I kid you not, he looked as if he belonged on a 1970s porn set. After a few jabs, and all kidding aside, he explained why he wasn't shaving for the entire month of November, and how this movement is growing in popularity and generating a multitude of awareness and money for the disease. Learn more about how Movember came to be here.
This year, TOMS shoes is doing its part in the Movember movement by offering a limited edition of its Classic shoes. If you are not aware of TOMS shoes, it's a wonderful start-up company based in Santa Monica, that offers a one-for-one program- for each pair of shoes purchased one pair is donated to a child in need in underdeveloped countries. Unfortunately, the limited edition ladies sizes have sold out (go ladies!) but the shoes are unisex and male sizes are still available. If life didn't find me unemployed right now, I'd definitely be snatching up a pair of these. And who doesn't love some mustache paraphernalia? More information can be found on the TOMS website.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
My Date with the Glee Kids
Last Friday I had the perfect date.
With the cast of Glee.
And about 400 other people.
It was amazing.
I've admitted my obsession with the show before, and if you follow me on Twitter I'm sure you've seen my incessant 'oh em gee' tweets on Tuesday nights. So, to say that last Friday was amazing might be the biggest understatement of the year.
But let me back up a little bit, because it almost didn't happen- which would have been the second time to have passed up this awesome opportunity. The first came last spring, when I scored passes to the taping of the final performance but had to pass due to conflicts with work. Fortunately, this bout of successful "be the among the first 200 to respond" Facebooking came on the heels of my recent unemployment, so there would be no cubicles to hold me back. Except every other person I know in all of LA has a job, and no one was available to go- despite the 5pm call time.
Cue to Friday morning and all afternoon when I was undergoing an internal turmoil of do I or don't I? It's ridiculous, really, when I think about it- because why shouldn't I go? It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to see firsthand a taping of one of my favorite television shows, one of the most popular one on television at that. But I have this innate fear of disapproval- and all I could think of is what people would be thinking when I was standing in line by myself, when they realized I came alone.
PEOPLE WHO I WOULD NEVER SEE AGAIN. And I was worried what they would think of me. At 26 years old. Then, I realized that I was being ridiculous, and the whole premise of the show is to be true to yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks. So I sucked up all my insecurities and took myself out of my comfort zone.
And after two awkward hours waiting in line, I had the time of my life.

{Twitpic from @frankenteen - aka Cory Monteith - aka Finn}
While at times I felt like I was reverting to my teeny-bopper days (*NSync, anyone?) it was such an energetic environment and amazing to see people from six to sixty years old sitting on the edge of their seats. The cast seemed so amicable and participated in quick Q&A session with the crowd, showing us a realistic glimpse into their off-screen personalities. I must admit, my real-life crush on Cory Monteith grew immensely, and I still hold-fast on the fact that I want to be IRL-BFF with Diana Agron. She just seems uber cool and down-to-earth.
All in all, it was an amazing way to spend my Friday evening. I got to see a new part of LA (Glendale), which I'm always a fan of, I had a behind-the-scenes Hollywood experience, and I forced myself to face one of my biggest fears (doing stuff alone). To be honest, I'm really happy that I went, not just for the massive spoiler alerts, but because I feel like I walked away a stronger person for doing something by -and for - myself.
With the cast of Glee.
And about 400 other people.
It was amazing.
I've admitted my obsession with the show before, and if you follow me on Twitter I'm sure you've seen my incessant 'oh em gee' tweets on Tuesday nights. So, to say that last Friday was amazing might be the biggest understatement of the year.
But let me back up a little bit, because it almost didn't happen- which would have been the second time to have passed up this awesome opportunity. The first came last spring, when I scored passes to the taping of the final performance but had to pass due to conflicts with work. Fortunately, this bout of successful "be the among the first 200 to respond" Facebooking came on the heels of my recent unemployment, so there would be no cubicles to hold me back. Except every other person I know in all of LA has a job, and no one was available to go- despite the 5pm call time.
Cue to Friday morning and all afternoon when I was undergoing an internal turmoil of do I or don't I? It's ridiculous, really, when I think about it- because why shouldn't I go? It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to see firsthand a taping of one of my favorite television shows, one of the most popular one on television at that. But I have this innate fear of disapproval- and all I could think of is what people would be thinking when I was standing in line by myself, when they realized I came alone.
PEOPLE WHO I WOULD NEVER SEE AGAIN. And I was worried what they would think of me. At 26 years old. Then, I realized that I was being ridiculous, and the whole premise of the show is to be true to yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks. So I sucked up all my insecurities and took myself out of my comfort zone.
And after two awkward hours waiting in line, I had the time of my life.
{Twitpic from @frankenteen - aka Cory Monteith - aka Finn}
I was on the highest level of the balcony, so I doubt that I'll be making any appearances on the small screen, but I did get to cheer and clap with the crowd so I do get a small little claim to fame on the Dec. 8th episode, albeit anonymously. The episode they were filming was the Sectionals episode, and we were able to watch all the performances of the three competing teams, including two by the New Directions. I'll honor the spoilers we were treated to, and all I'll say is that I'm really excited to see how the rest of the season unfolds.
While at times I felt like I was reverting to my teeny-bopper days (*NSync, anyone?) it was such an energetic environment and amazing to see people from six to sixty years old sitting on the edge of their seats. The cast seemed so amicable and participated in quick Q&A session with the crowd, showing us a realistic glimpse into their off-screen personalities. I must admit, my real-life crush on Cory Monteith grew immensely, and I still hold-fast on the fact that I want to be IRL-BFF with Diana Agron. She just seems uber cool and down-to-earth.
All in all, it was an amazing way to spend my Friday evening. I got to see a new part of LA (Glendale), which I'm always a fan of, I had a behind-the-scenes Hollywood experience, and I forced myself to face one of my biggest fears (doing stuff alone). To be honest, I'm really happy that I went, not just for the massive spoiler alerts, but because I feel like I walked away a stronger person for doing something by -and for - myself.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Hot Hot Heat Wave
While the rest of the country is settling into their cozy winter-wear as fall falls upon us, California once again proves to be difficult. Not that I can complain, my current lack of employment allows me to enjoy a 90-degree beach day with no guilt, and only a little sun burn. But today, a full piece suit during a three hour interview was a little bit much. Especially for someone who has a nervous sweating problem (oh, TMI).
But eventually this record heat-wave will fade, and normalcy will creep back in to the day-to-day- as much as Los Angeles ever is normal. And should the budget allow, I'd love to infuse my fall fashion wardrobe with some layering pieces.

{via Refinery 29}

{via Free People}

{Alexa Chung at Louis Vuitton's SS11 Show- it's a dress/sweater combo-genius!}

For the warmer fall days
{via The Sartorialist}

{via InStyle}
I'm loving ALL these looks and only wish I could go on a massive shopping spree! My poor closet has been neglected ever since I had to start paying student loans, I could definitely use a refresher, or anything that didn't come off the racks at Target!
What styles are you liking this fall season?
But eventually this record heat-wave will fade, and normalcy will creep back in to the day-to-day- as much as Los Angeles ever is normal. And should the budget allow, I'd love to infuse my fall fashion wardrobe with some layering pieces.
{via Refinery 29}
{via Free People}
{Alexa Chung at Louis Vuitton's SS11 Show- it's a dress/sweater combo-genius!}
For the warmer fall days
{via The Sartorialist}
{via InStyle}
I'm loving ALL these looks and only wish I could go on a massive shopping spree! My poor closet has been neglected ever since I had to start paying student loans, I could definitely use a refresher, or anything that didn't come off the racks at Target!
What styles are you liking this fall season?
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Happy Halloween!
I'm a little tardy to the party... but to be honest, Halloween is one of my least favorite holidays. Regardless, having two roommates sometimes you have parties you don't want to attend, but by default, attend.
That's what happened this year- despite my desire to wear my PJs, eat an endless supply of Reese Peanut Butter cups, and watch Hocus Pocus on ABC Family. And if there's one thing I enjoy doing, it's spending a lot of time in the kitchen in preparation of entertaining friends. (I come from a large family, so growing up it was not uncommon to go to a birthday party every weekend).
Having snagged a left-over costume from my roommate (commence eye-rolling as it was of the 'slutty' variety), all that was left to prepare was to decorate, carve a pumpkin, and make the goodies.
While my pumpkin skills are to be desired, I had a ball whipping up some Halloween treats for our guests. There were comments galore from those attending, so much so that I have been considering going to into event planning. Then again, unemployment gives you the crazy thoughts. ;)

1. Owl Cupcakes; 2. Spooky Cauldron Dip;
3. Cheese Goblin; 4. Pumpkin decor; 5. Mummy Cupcakes
That's what happened this year- despite my desire to wear my PJs, eat an endless supply of Reese Peanut Butter cups, and watch Hocus Pocus on ABC Family. And if there's one thing I enjoy doing, it's spending a lot of time in the kitchen in preparation of entertaining friends. (I come from a large family, so growing up it was not uncommon to go to a birthday party every weekend).
Having snagged a left-over costume from my roommate (commence eye-rolling as it was of the 'slutty' variety), all that was left to prepare was to decorate, carve a pumpkin, and make the goodies.
While my pumpkin skills are to be desired, I had a ball whipping up some Halloween treats for our guests. There were comments galore from those attending, so much so that I have been considering going to into event planning. Then again, unemployment gives you the crazy thoughts. ;)

1. Owl Cupcakes; 2. Spooky Cauldron Dip;
3. Cheese Goblin; 4. Pumpkin decor; 5. Mummy Cupcakes
On a side note: My 10-10-10 goal keeping is failing miserably. But I haven't completely thrown in the towel yet. I guess the most important thing for me at this point is my goal to stay positive, which aside from a few rough mornings, I've been doing a good job of. It's getting increasingly hard to stay in a routine since all my days sort of run together. Any other unemployed bloggers or stay-at-home moms out there? How do you keep your days filled with energy and things to do? I've watched more Oprah this week than I have in 20 years!
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