Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lazy Sunday

photo credit

I may or may not have gotten out of my pajamas all day.
Watched both Twilight movies.
Ate frozen pizza for lunch and dinner.
Took a nap. Maybe even two of them.
And enjoyed every lazy minute of it.

There is a lot changing in my day to day life.
A lot of letting go and moving on.
Of growing into this person I've always been, but too afraid to be.
Mostly happiness, but a lot of intermittent anxiety.
Growing up is challenging, but fun.

And every once in awhile, like today, it's even more fun to let everything recharge, and remember what it's like to be a kid again.

How do you like to spend your Sundays?


  1. I actually had a very productive Sunday I went hiking for a few hours, but my Saturday was verrryyy lazy. I had Mexican food and stayed in my pj's all day. It was fantastic:)

  2. Lazy Sundays are the best ever. I personally find them completely necessary for a good week :)
