Hello, there. Last we talked I was jetting off to California.
Remember how my year out here changed me?
Well, the four months at home changed me too.
And here I am, still in California. With perspective.
I am happy. With the simplest things.
Whether it's catching a movie with a girlfriend,
or a Saturday night with people I thought I'd never see again,
I've caught myself multiple times the last two weeks thanking my lucky stars.
I'm grateful to have had an opportunity that sent me on this adventure.
Even though the job didn't pan out, things are falling into place.
It's tough and a little unsteady, but I have optimism that good things are around the corner.
I've had my fatal flaw moments when I wanted to hop on a flight home because that's what's easy.
Except this time, I am fighting for what I want- and what I want is not tangible.
It's happiness.
And I've found it here. I always had it, I suppose. Now I just recognize it.
And I refuse to lose it.
Aaaahhh!! I'm so happy to read this. I can't wait to read more. This is really exciting:)